Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Bottle of Chocolate Syrup

Dear Readers,
It's been a long time since my previous post and this one is about something everyone likes. Chocolate. It feels like heaven when you let a drop of molten chocolate fall in your mouth. Or put it as a solid piece and let it melt. Is that what heaven is like? Chocolate waterfalls and chocolate rivers and everything you touch turns to candy or chocolate. That would be nice :)

Anyways, I got a taste of heaven when I was walking around Madurai's only mall with a couple of my friends and bumped into a bottle of Hershey's chocolate syrup. Bought it. :P

I went home, kept it in the fridge for a few days(2-3). I then decided to use it on everything I eat and experiment with it. I've taken photos of them. After all pictures are better than words.

It is simple to do all the following recipes. Just make your food the normal way and add plenty of chocolate on top :)

1. Chocolate on Bread:This was the first kind of food I tried the chocolate on. It was a success. Satisfied with it :)

2. Molten Chocolate on top of milk chocolate:What better thing to top chocolate with than chocolate. This was even better than number 1.

3. Chocolate on Egg Noodles:I did have doubts if this would work. Chocolate sauce on Noodles? really? yes. It didn't taste all that different, but not as good as chocolate on chocolate. So, number 2 tops the list now.

4. Chocolate on Piece of fried Bread and Butter:

4. Chocolate on top of Thirupathi laddu:
Now this was the best one. There was Thirupathi laddu at my place(got from relatives). What better work do i have than to try odd combinations? Hershey's chocolate syrup on Thirupathi laddu, is heavenly.

5. Chocolate on top of popcorn:
Chocolate on masala popcorn. Had the sweet and salty taste. Good for the movies but too expensive to dip every pop corn in chocolate.

6. Chocolate on top of Banana:Chocolate on banana :D This was like some sort of fruit salad ice-cream with chocolate. Banana Split? Delicious.

more to come...for now the "Best Food to try Chocolate Syrup on Award" goes to the Thirupathi Laddu :D

See ya later :)


  1. hey nice pictures da :) but dont wish to see only these recipies :) NEED TO TRY THEM FOR SURE :)

  2. CHOCOLATE on thirupathi laddu...!!!:D

  3. But I did like the idea of chocolate syrup on chocolate and bread...

  4. you should try chocolate syrup on Thirupathi was delicious!
